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Ground Roots is your supplier of High Quality Evergreen and Christmas Tree stock and supplies.

For the past 80 years,  the Strathmeyer family has been providing growers, wholesalers, landscapers, and homeowners with high quality evergreen stock and supplies. Family-owned and operated, Strathmeyer is dedicated to bringing its customers the highest grade tree products. 

Our family has been working diligently since 1932 to improve the genetic quality of our evergreen transplants, seedlings, Christmas trees, and B&B. This enduring commitment to product improvement has been instilled in four generations of the Strathmeyer family, and will continue to be passed to our sons and daughters.

Ground Roots
255 Zeigler Road, P. O. Box 70, Dover, PA 17315
800-345-3406 • 717-292-5683 • Fax 717-292-4129